by advantech | Jun 5, 2018 | NDIS, News
NDIA Providers De-Registration Frustrated Providers are considering de-registration amid continuing issues Hours of un-billable times are being spent by small businesses to get answers from the NDIA, often each service getting different answers, with the added...
by advantech | May 21, 2018 | NDIS, News
Autism Advocacy Groups Concerns for NDIA Funding Community Concerns that NDIA is shrinking the eligibility into the scheme The eligibility requirements are being tightened after a blowout in the amount of families seeking support for clients with Autism and the...
by advantech | May 16, 2018 | NDIS, News
NDIA and Accomodation Choices Community Concerns that NDIA may force people into shared accommodation Disability Groups have let it be known that they have concerns that people who receive funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme will be forced to live...