NDIA and Accomodation Choices
Community Concerns that NDIA may force people into shared accommodation
Disability Groups have let it be known that they have concerns that people who receive funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme will be forced to live with others, against their preference, apparently entirely due to funding constraints.
The article states that “… only a very small number…of a very small percentage” of NDIS participants would be funded to live alone in SDA…”, and “…it is important for providers to note that an SDA budget to support a single resident dwelling is only likely to be provided to a very small number of SDA eligible participants (a small percentage of NDIS participants overall), even when the dwelling is in a configuration that makes shared supports possible,” the brief said.
Real Community Services shares this concern. The disability sector has been screaming out for true choice and control for years. For many years people with a disability did not even have a choice of provider so had to tough it out often with a service they didn’t want. Now the NDIA is rolling out very quickly, yet the premise that a person can’t now choose to live where or with who they want is not even close.
You can read the full article here for more information.