The NDIS and What Will It Mean?

The disability sector used to be described as underfunded, unfair, fragmented and inefficient.

As the NDIS now rolls out across Australia, why are we still hearing the same phrases? Any system that supports people in my opinion will never be seen as fair by everyone. People have different expectations, different needs and different ways of scoring outcomes for them and their family.

The NDIS is really only a funding stream. How we deliver services, if what the sector was sprouting for many years as choice and control for people with a disability, shouldn’t have to change. But, now “true choice and control” is here, will we be seeing in many years to come that true choice and control is really just a catchphrase when you rely on others to help?

Emma Griffiths in this Focus series on the ABC, explores the NDIS and what it really means

You can listen more by clicking on the link below

ABC Focus on NDIS

Trevor Green

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